The Year of the Snake – A Time for Transformation
Posted by Jami Sassone on
Lunar New Year marks the beginning of a new year in the lunar calendar, celebrated across many Asian cultures. Each year is associated with one of 12 zodiac animals, which influence the year’s energy and those born under that sign.
2025 is the Year of the Snake, symbolizing wisdom, renewal, and transformation. Just as a snake sheds its skin, this year encourages personal growth and positive change—including embracing healthier habits.
🌱 Get Inspired: Check Out These 5 Incredible Plant-Based Transformation Stories
In the spirit of transformation, we’re highlighting five incredible plant-based success stories that show the power of food in changing lives. If you’re considering a shift toward plant-based eating this year, these stories may just motivate you to take the next step!
1️⃣ Shedding Pounds and Lowering Cholesterol
"Through WFPB, I changed the course of my health: I lowered my cholesterol from 206 to 130, I’m down 50 pounds from my high, I got off my blood pressure medication, and I’m no longer pre-diabetic."
— Mike Linehan, Sweet Pea Co-Founder
Find inspiration in Mike's journey to help fuel you on yours. Read more here!
2️⃣ From Weight Struggles to Vibrant Health
"I'm 72 years old, and I've been heavy my entire life, getting as high as 270 pounds. I have been a loyal Sweet Pea Client for one year, and my health just keeps getting better. I'm now down 40 pounds—my blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar have never been better! I'm truly healthy, and now off all my medications."
— Barbara R., Sweet Pea Client
Since this testimonial was given three years ago, Barbara has consistently ordered Sweet Pea's whole-food, plant-based meals, kept the weight off, and her health has continued to improve. Hear from Barbara!
3️⃣ Reversing Disease and Promoting Longevity
"I was just a kid when my grandmother was diagnosed with end-stage heart disease. Although she was given a medical death sentence at age 65, thanks to a healthy diet she was able to enjoy another 31 years on this planet until age 96 to continue to enjoy her 6 grandkids, including me. THAT is why I went into medicine."
— Dr. Michael Greger M.D., Physician, Author, and Founder of
To hear the full story and more health insights from Dr. Greger, listen to Episode 5 of the Shelling Peas podcast--Dr. Michael Greger: Unlocking the Life-Saving Power of Plant-Based Nutrition. Listen here!
4️⃣ Buying Into the Business of Healing
"I have always had stomach issues, and it affected my quality of life significantly to the point that my diet had become very restricted, and I was taking medicine for it every day. About nine or ten weeks in[to eating plant-based], it was like someone flipped a switch. I no longer craved all this old stuff that I, for a while, felt like I would never be able to live without. I thought I could never live without. I just felt so much better in my stomach. To this day, five years later, I don't take any more stomach medicine. I feel better all the time My energy levels are better."
— Keith McCullough, Junabar CEO and Co-Founder
Hear more about Keith's health journey and his transition from a two-decade career in video games to launching a line of wholesome nutrition bars in From Video Games to Vegan Bars: Keith McCullough's Entrepreneurial Journey. Listen Now!
5️⃣ 200 Pounds Down in 2 Years
"When I went to my follow-up appointment, my cardiologist was floored: Not only had I lost a significant amount of weight, but my blood pressure had normalized, and all my blood lipid profile numbers had significantly improved. The cardiologist told me that the keto diet had wreaked havoc on my cardiovascular system, and he encouraged me to stick with my new way of eating. I was sold! From that point on, I knew I could do WFPB, and I decided I would never go back to my old way of eating."
— Karlynn McCarrell, Forks Over Knives WFPB Success Story
To read more about Karlynn’s incredible transformation and others like it, check out Forks Over Knives' most-shared plant-based success stories of 2024. Read more here!
🐍 Embrace the Year of the Snake with Plant-Based Wisdom
This year is all about transformation—why not start with your plate? Whether you're looking to improve your health, boost energy, or simply feel better in your body, plant-based eating can be a powerful place to start.
Happy Lunar New Year! 🥢🏮

- Tags: #Holiday